ISO 1250, 18mm, f/4, 8 sec
There was a lightning storm over the lake on the 4th of July.
To start off September’s camera tricks here is a classic perspective trick that fisherman have been using for years to embellish their fish stories. I caught this 34 inch musky on the Wolf River portion of Upper Post Lake. My dad took the pictures with my iPhone.
Bigger: Just hold the fish out closer to the camera.
Remember this one next time you go fishing.
September should be fun and challenging! Shoot an alternate reality with a camera trick. Inspired by this shot:
Maybe your shot could make Nagler look tall or Bradshaw look small. Have fun!
And no Photoshopping! ;-)
The monthly inspiration for August 2011 is “Hot!” August tends to be one of the hottest months in Wisconsin. Post your interpretation of “Hot!”
Free-for-all. Post anything you like to test out the blog. Have fun!
If you want to submit images to use at random in the header they need to be 1000×288 ratio. Email them to Kevin and I will add them. I recommend adding a copyright watermark, but that’s up to you.