July entry for Dwilkie

This is my July entry.  I have not been on a shoot for a while so this is it.  I title this “meeting for the first time”.  The image gives me the sense that she is going on a first date and meeting that person downtown.  Her head is kind of down like she is checking messages on her phone or something.  To me it gives a sense of romanticism.  With that said beat me up over it!  The only way to learn to take better photos!  It was shot at night so I turned it black and white with a little sepia to give it an older feel and mask some of the graininess.


ISO1600, F1.8, 1/60, 50mm

6 thoughts on “July entry for Dwilkie

  1. I like it. I wonder if there is some way to get better detail out of the Capitol dome? I like the sepia look. Looks like something you would see framed in an old bar or something.

  2. I think I’d lean the other way on the capitol and opt for more grain in the picture to add a sense of distress. The capitol isn’t the subject of the picture and therefore needn’t be in focus. The capitol adds a sense of scale to the things surrounding the subject of our picture, the girl. Color would *not* add anything to the picture, so good choice on the sepia, It mutes any sense of time — could just as well be taken in the 50s. I was standing next to you when you got this shot and am insanely jealous I didn’t get one for myself. Therefore, I award you 1 star out of 10, you bastard.

  3. I think the Capitol dome is cool, perhaps finding a way to get that weird dome thing out of the right side, and making it so she seems more alone, dwarfed by the environment. It’s almost all the way to a very lonely photo, I like it!

    Maybe shooting from lower, too — people forget what a change it can be to shoot while kneeling or laying on the ground. I gave my point & shoot to a 4 year old once at a party in San Francisco and the photos he took were great, all from 1.5 feet off the ground. I’ve always wanted to replicate that. Make your kids older so we can!

  4. I agree with all the comments. I really wished I could have setup better for the shot. To be honest I felt kind of creepy taking her picture so I was quick to do so. Lower shot would have been nice and me in front of the menona terrace ball thing. I almost didn’t take the shot but was glad I did. Aside from some flaws I think the image tells a great story.

  5. I agree about the terrace dome thing in the foreground – distracting. Otherwise I love it. The mood is great, if that makes sense. The only thing that would make it better for me, is if there happened to be antique cars parked on the street. :)

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